Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Pope's Red Shoes

From a few weeks ago:

A Catholic friend called early this morning to tell us that the Pope was departing the Vatican. Originally I planned to write on DQ#2 concerning eschatology and the ignorance of it by most in the Christian community and certainly, IMO, within the Catholic Church. While I'm not particularly interested in Catholic affairs, I respect Pope Benedict's intellect. That said and full disclosure, I can have a very convoluted sense a humor at times and see patterns were perhaps none exist.

As is often my breakfast habit, I was working on a Word Search puzzle and half-way listening to the bloviating about the pope’s departure. I heard a comment about his red shoes. I was not aware that the Pope wore red shoes as one of the symbols of his office. Now that Benedict will no longer be Pope he has to relinquish his red shoes.

Interestingly enough, one word hidden in the word puzzle was “lamb” so I thought of the comparison between the Lamb of God and the regalia of the Pope. Rather than special red shoes and royal vestment, Jesus walked about in a pair of sandals and homespun. Rather than wearing red shoes, Jesus didn't consider himself above washing the feet of his disciples; a wonderful lesson for all.

So where else were red shoes of such importance? The Wizard of Oz came to mind. Like me, most of you have probably watched the Wizard of Oz any number of times. After Dorothy's house was flung by a tornado into Oz crushing an evil witch, Dorothy was presented with said witch's red shoes.
I started to make a mental inventory of the primary cast of characters in the story. There was sweet innocent Dorothy who was just trying to get back to Kansas. There was a scarecrow looking for a brain. There was the immobilized tin man looking for a heart. It was amazing how much a few drops of oil enabled him to move his joints. Even I can't stretch this far enough to compare the oil can to the sprinkling of holy water. Completing the trio of Dorothy's new friends was the lion looking for courage.
What does all of this have in common with the Catholic Church? Perhaps Dorothy could be compared to the millions of Catholics hoping to go home/ heaven and placing their reliance on church clergy. Accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus to me would be as simple as Dorothy clicking her red shoes together. Given the history of the Catholic Church, popes such as Innocence the third could certainly have used a heart as did the tin man. Like the lion in the Wizard of Oz, there is certainly no comparison between the Catholic Church and the coming Lion of Judah. As for the scarecrow wanting a brain, I would again compare this to those who don't seem to be able to think for themselves.
So much more I could add, the Prophecy of the last pope...

What are the "political correctness" issues of our day?

Political correctness is code for the suppression of freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment to our Constitution.Recently Dr. Benjamin Carson was a speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast and discussed political correctness:

“ what we need to do in this pc world is forget about unanimity of speech and unanimity of thought, and we need to concentrate on being respectful to those people with whom we disagree.”

“ But pc is dangerous. Because, you see, this country one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. and it muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them. And at the same time, keeps people from discussing important issues while the fabric of this society is being changed. And we cannot fall for that trick. And what we need to do is start talking about things, talking about things that are important.”

While Dr. Carson's talk was very well received and his talk went viral on the Internet, the lame stream media went on the attack. The two groups most maligned by the far left are conservative women and conservatives minorities.

CM said that in an environment of spiritual darkness; in a cultural war, truth is the first casualty. And it sure seems that our country is quickly descending into spiritual darkness. To expand upon a few of the topics he listed; the theory/ religion of evolution. If we accept that “from the zoo to you by the way of goo” as truth, does human life have real value? The most helpless and innocent victims of the theory of evolution are the unborn in my opinion. Political correctness dictates that a woman has the right to her body and that includes elimination of even a fully functioning but unborn baby.

Political correctness dictates that anyone trying to teach intelligent design is in danger of losing his/her job. Holding a creationism view labels one as an illiterate fundamentalist.

Palestinian occupation is misrepresentation of truth. Even some of the evangelical organizations are mouthing the mantra of occupation by Israel undermining their long time support of Israel. The lame stream media bloviates about Israeli missiles but says little about the hundreds of rockets originating from the Muslim missile sites. Islam is promoted as a peaceful religion in direct contradiction to the Koran.

I would group CM topics of schools corrupting the minds of our children with the push for a “Nanny state Government” and add parents being made to seem less intelligent and evolved than their children. As a twice divorced mother of two perhaps I'm not one to talk about the nuclear family, however, it certainly is under attack in America. The administration wants preschool for every child thus enabling the nanny state indoctrination as soon as the child is out of diapers.

In direct contradiction to the Word of God, homosexuality is being promoted as a normal lifestyle. To reject this is to be labeled a homophobic.

Will the Next Pope Please Stand Up!

I wrote this last month. More later about the prophecies after I have more time to study Pope Francis. Pope Francis took the name of St. Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis of Assisi, Italian San Francesco d'Assisi, was baptized Giovanni, renamed Francesco, original name Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone. Pietro as a boy's name is a variant of Pedro (Spanish, Portuguese) and Peter (Greek), at best a reach, however, time and more research needed.

The prophecy world is all a twitter with the announcement yesterday that Pope Benedict the 16th was resigning. I was rather amused that a Catholic neighbor was in disbelief that the pope was actually going to step down, “After all are they (popes) really allowed to resign?” I reminded her that the pope was only a man and it's certainly within his rights to retire. Hopefully she'll think about this and realize that just maybe he really is not the Apostle Peter revisited.

Some months ago I was introduced to Tom Horn while taking the course I601. Thus began my adventure buying and trying to find time to read his books. While I've only read parts of his book co-authored with Cris Putnam, "Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here", I find what I’ve read fascinating. Mr. Horn and Mr. Putnam predicted that Pope Benedict the 16th would become the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign. If I understand Horn's book correctly, the last pope will be called “Petrus Romanus” based on the prophecy by Irish Archbishop St. Malachy. Further, “Petrus Romanus will be the last pope!

A few months after he was elected pope, Benedict asked Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro (Peter in English) Evasio Bertone to take up his current position of Vatican secretary of state. Rumor has it that Cardinal Bertone may be in the running for pope.

Others possibilities being considered to be named the new pope are from Africa; 64-year-old Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana and 80-year-old Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria.

The World Net Daily has published an article, 'Final pope' already running Vatican? That “Benedict might have 'stacked deck' in fulfillment of prophecy.” So did Benedict choose his successor?

A little from the book, “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here.”

“Cardinal Arinze fits this description, and Conte interprets this qualification as best fulfilling “Peter the Roman” as a pope who “will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church; this authority is based on his place as a Successor of Peter” and “will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world.” To this, Conte adds, “During the reign of Pope Peter the Roman, the great apostasy begins” and this pope will mark “the first part of the tribulation, during our generation.”[688] Conte envisions this apocalypse beginning in 2012 when, as he sees it, Benedict suddenly dies or steps down and is replaced by Petrus Romanus. This is followed by a series of cascading events resulting in World War III, which is triggered when Iranian-backed terrorists explode a nuclear bomb in New York City. The Great Tribulation begins, and by July 2013, Rome is destroyed when it is struck by a nuclear missile.”

A really interesting book, my recommendation, buy the book and read it.

The Politically Incorrect Club

For a very long time I hosted the chat room The Politically Incorrect Club on IOFFER, a selling venue. I later maintained a website by the same name. I've incorporated many of those posting into my sallycp blog. I post most of my class work done in a Christian think tank on the blog In The Beginning God. I  will posting some of my more politically incorrect posts here.