Thursday, December 3, 2015

Anarchy follows as a consequence of poor government”. In the US, you think?

Isaiah 3:1. "For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water."

Concerning Isaiah 3:1-5, “In that day the Lord will take away the responsible leadership that the people had depended on. The loss of bread and water may refer to famine conditions, but here bread and water probably symbolize essential leaders, as suggested by the following verse. There will be a lack of capable, mature leaders in every walk of life. It will be a time of oppression, anarchy, insolence, disrespect, and insubordination.” [Believers’ Bible Commentary]

Here in the United States we have had a seven your experiment with a community organizer attempting to run what was the most powerful country in the world. Not only does the POTUS demonstrate his incompetence on a daily basis, his sense of reality is questionable as he hypes global warming as a greater threat than terrorism. Of course there is a likelihood that global warming will be used as just one more asset in the toolbox of the advocates of a one world government.

The following posts are from Facebook and I do not have the name of the contributor. However, they are too good not to share:

1944: 18-20 year olds stormed enemy beaches, parachuted behind enemy lines, charged into battles and almost certain death.
2015: 18-20 year olds need 'sate zones' on college campuses to protect their fragile emotions from •offensive• WORDS.

People born before 1946 are called - The Greatest. Generation,
People born between 1946 and 1964 are called - The Baby Boomers.
People born between 1965 and 1979 are called - Generation X.
And people born between 19ff0 and 2010 are called - Generation Y
Why do we call the last group - Generation Y?
Y should I get a job?
Y should I leave home and find my own place?
Y·shotild.1 get a car when I can borrow yours?
Y should I clean my room?
Y should l wash and iron my own clothes?
Y should l buy any food?

I’ve often said that the generation that saved the world from the evil of Nazism was not only the greatest generation but the last great generation. The 50s were not only a time of Ozzie and Harriet, it was the start of the civil rights movement. The 60s with the sexual revolution and drug culture started our country on a slippery slope to destruction. War protesters and declining morality finally culminated in the far left liberal agenda. Not only does it seem like this country is being run by left leaning children, it seems their agenda is one of self-hatred.