Friday, May 23, 2014


While I realize that the subject book is rather dated, in my opinion, the dialogue included is very relevant today. For hundreds, perhaps more than a thousand years, the Roman Catholic Church has suppressed the Holy Bible and tortured and killed people for possessing and/ or reading it. Thousands of believers in the early writings/ witness accounts of the apostles were hunted down and executed well before the time of the Reformation. 

It is estimated today that there are 1.2 billion Catholics on planet Earth. I question that even a small percentage of this vast number of people have Investigated the horrific activity of the papal authority and its minions. In the last century the Vatican had a Concordat with both Hitler of Germany and Mussolini of Italy. To this day, Mussolini and Hitler have not been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Much of the activity of Pius XII in the time leading up to and during WWII has been redacted by the church.

Rome has a relatively new Pope who seems to be very humble and winning the hearts of even non-Catholics. Looking below the surface of this rather jolly man is a member of the Jesuit order.

In the following excerpt a high-ranking member of the Jesuit order reveals to Leone the fact that there is no biblical support for purgatory or for other important facets of the Roman Catholic Church doctrine.


"Then the Bible, that serpent which, with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it ; and what wounds will we not inflict with it upon these hardened Pharaohs and their cunning magicians ! what miracles will we not work by its means ! Oh, then, mysterious rod ! we will not again suffer thee to escape from our hands, and fall to the earth!

For you know but too well that, for three centuries past, this cruel asp (crudele aspide) has left us no repose ; you well know with what folds it entwines us, and with what fangs it gnaws us!

We may recognise in this language a mind embittered and rankling with resentment against the English Bible Societies. He must often have encountered them in his path, and felt enraged at their influence. His savage expressions were received with a dry and forced laugh, quite different from the spontaneous gaiety before exhibited.

My brethren, as to the Bible, be advised by me. For our greater good let us avoid—let us carefully avoid this ground. If I may tell you, openly, what I think of this book, it is not at all for us ; it is against us. I do not at all wonder at the invincible obstinacy it engenders in all those who regard its verses as inspired.

You are aware that, when once entered upon theolo¬gical studies, we must of necessity make some acquaintance with the Bible. For myself, although in company with numerous fellow-students, mere machines accustomed to . confound the text and the commentary, as if they were one and the same thing (an illusion which, to confess the truth, is extremely useful to us), it was yet impossible for me, endowed as I was with some capacity for reflection (as proved by my presence here, amongst the small number of the elect)—it was impossible for me, I repeat, to be so absurdly credulous as not to distinguish the text from the commentary, by which its sense is almost always distorted. In the simplicity of youth I fully expected, on opening the New Testament, to find there laid. down, totidem literis (in lettere cubitali), the authority of a superior chief in the church, and the worship of the Virgin, the source of all grace for mankind. I sought with the same eagerness for the mass, for purgatory, for relics, &c. But in every page I found my expectations disappointed ; from every reflec¬tion that I made resulted doubt. At last, after having read, at least six times over, that little book which set all my calculations at nought, I was forced to acknowledge to myself that it actually sets forth a system of religion altogether different from that taught in the schools, and thus all my ideas were thrown into confusion (ne rimasi al sommo seompaginato)."

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Benghazi, the Disgraceful Story That Thankfully Will Not Go Away

As the cover-up continues, some come forward!

"I felt it was my duty to come forward." — Retired Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today about the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. 

In an unprecedented public statement from a leading military officer, General Lovell addressed the ongoing debate over whether U.S. military forces could have responded in time to the attack: "The point is we should have tried."

Bill O’Reilly added his assessment:

"Proof the American Press Is Dishonest’: O’Reilly Slams Media for Failure to Cover Benghazi Memo"

"Bill O’Reilly said there’s no question that the White House misrepresented the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attack in Benghazi.

Five days after the attack, then-Ambassador Susan Rice told the world that the attack was not pre-planned and was a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video."

“That was not true, that was not even close to being true,” O’Reilly said.