Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Intolerance of the Left Towards the Freedom of Speech of the Right

"Free Speech Farce: Rise of American Fascism"

"America is facing a new fascism that does't tolerate any views it doesn't like - where "wrong" speech is demonized and shouted down, despite freedom of speech."

Published on Apr 30, 2014 by CBN News

The Real War on Women

Good links dealing with The Real War on Women — with David W Puckett.

Informative Videos Concerning Misinformation

Debunking the Palestine Lie

Three things you don't know about Islam

"The Middle East Problem" as Explained by Dennis Prager

Another great video by Dennis Prager, "The Middle East Problem." 

As Dr. Prager puts it, "The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in the world. But, in reality, it's very simple. Israelis want to live in peace and are willing to accept a neighboring Palestinian state. And most Palestinians do not want Israel to exist."

Published on Apr 28, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Dull of Hearing from my "In The Beginning God blog"

Hebrews 5:11, “Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull (G3576) of hearing.”
From a derivative of G3541; sluggish, that is, (literally) lazy, or (figuratively) stupid: - dull, slothful.
I recently completed the KI course on the Book of Proverbs and it had much to say about the sluggard and/or the slothful person.
From H6101; indolent: - slothful, sluggard.
Proverbs 6:6, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard (H6102); consider her ways, and be wise.” The ant is often used an example of a very industrious insect and It can literally carry several times its own weight.
Proverbs 6:9, “How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard (H6102)? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?” A very good question, as so many in our society would rather watch a reality show on TV than review world events. Also, many calling themselves Christians have itching ears and are being lured into the seeker friendly churches.
Proverbs 10:26, “As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard (H6102) to them that send him.” Jesus imparted unto us the great commission. How many of us are sluggard, when it comes to witnessing.
Proverbs 13:4, “The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.” Interesting given the discussion of inheritance in the Book of Hebrews. Will the diligent receive a greater inheritance?
Proverbs 26:16, “The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.”
From CM’s commentary on the Book of Proverbs:
“The Fool hates instruction, is self-confident, talks without thinking and mocks at sin.”
“The Simple believe everything and everybody and lack discernment, are easily led astray by others and lack understanding and cannot see ahead and, as a result, repeatedly walk into trouble.”
As to what contributes to the mass the dull of hearing in today’s society, many are too lazy to use their God-given brain. It is easier to watch the mind numbing shows on TV or to listen to the lame stream media with their far left propaganda. There has been a concerted effort in the dumbing down of America and it has borne great fruit.
As for how our society can correct its propensity to be dull of hearing, I am concerned that it may be too late.  We are two generations removed from throwing God out of our school and the pronouncement by many that “God is dead.” God hates pride and yet many listen to Satan saying, “You can be as God.”
 After 911 there was a minor revival in this country, however, it was quickly forgotten. The acclaim for the movie “God is not Dead” indicates that there is still hope for revival.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Very Good Question Concerning the Fear of Offending Muslims but not Christians

                         A very good question!!!

In the end, God will have the final say!

Another good question, why is Israel made out to be the bad guy?

Again, in the end, God will have the final say!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The "New" Noah Movie, an Example of "Clouds without Rain"

A very contemporary example of "clouds without water" would be the movie industry. The reasonably Biblically sound movies from decades past such as King of Kings, Bathsheba with Gregory Peck and The 10 Commandments with Charleston Heston seem to be passe. 
Today’s Hollywood/ Hollyweird seems to have caught religious fever, however, will the movie makers adhere to God’s Word or with it just be “Clouds without Water”? The mini-series “The Bible” was highly acclaimed last year and a shorten version of it, “The Son of God,” was released to theaters last month. There were deviations from the Text but on the whole, and in my opinion, it was a reasonable presentation of God’s Word.
And then there is the new movie “Noah.”
“Box Office: 'Noah' Winning Over Faith-Based and Mainstream Moviegoers”
“The wait is over! Noah Movie opens today! Let’s flood the theaters and show Hollywood we want more movies that tell biblical stories”!
Really, BACs should attend the movie? I haven't seen the movie, however, I've read reviews and it seems that Noah is recast as an ecologist on steroids who considered killing his own grandchildren less they pollute the regenerated Earth. Shades of Agenda 21? Also, the fallen Angels assisted Noah both in building the Ark and in fighting off his enemies. After that, they were given their wings back and ascended to heaven somewhat akin to Dorothy clicking her red shoes and returning to her home in Kansas.
Proverbs 25:14, “Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.” While there was plenty of water from above and the fountains of the deep, the movie Noah rather echoes the Proverb.
Far more worthwhile than Hollywood’s version of Noah is "Noah and the Last Days" produced by Living Waters and Ray Comfort.
 “Ten signs of the end of the age. Indisputable evidence that we are living in the last days.”
Ray comfort interviews people on the street, asking them what they thought will be their final destination. He is very talented at pointing out how we are lost without the saving grace of Jesus.
We are living in the age of the apostate church of Laodicea, the seeker friendly church. Joel Osteen and his mega-church comes to mind. In my opinion, the closest he comes to the Word is when he waves the Bible around as he presents his prosperity gospel. Full disclosure, I've only watched Mr. Osteen a few times, so perhaps I’m being a little hard on him, however…. No rain here.
The seeker friendly church leaders should consider the following verse: 2 Peter 2:21, “For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.” How much worse is it for those who turn thousands away from Biblical truth?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is the Demand that the Rich Pay Even Higher Taxes Covetousness? I Say Yes!

This is from something I posted elsewhere a few years ago.

I did a search for the keyword covet in the Holy Bible and found 39 related verses.  God hates covetousness and included it in the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:17

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.Exodus 20:16-18

Perhaps I posted the above after a rather strong response to the following in another chat room.

The good xxxx members on the Chat Room The Soapbox are at it again.  Well, I guess I started it by asking, Who is John Galt?  I just posted:

True, the productive industrialists in Atlas Shrugged were interested in making a profit. However, to make a profit they had to employ people and produce a product or in Dagny's case provide rail transportation. Profitable companies not only create jobs, they provide a return on investment to their share holders who invested their venture capitol in the company. 

In Atlas Shrugged the govt and far less able industrialists created regulations to artificially limit productivity by the able and to re-distribute money from a successful company to a failing company. 

Atlas Shrugged takes it's title from Atlas who holds the earth of his back. The productive industrialists got tried of being exploited by a corrupt govt and failing businessmen and shrugged their collective shoulders and disappeared. Their businesses were zeroed out, no debts and few resources left to be looted by those who coveted their profitable businesses. 

Tonight I heard a small business owner saying she may have to close her business and let her employees go. She is likely just the tip of the business closing iceberg.

Back to coveting, it is destroying our country.

Monday, April 7, 2014

A year after "The Bible" was aired as a mini-series... still interesting!


A character from the mini-series.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

2014 Movie Noah - "Clouds without Rain"

A very contemporary example of "clouds without water" would be the movie industry. The reasonably Bionically sound movies from decades past such as King of Kings, Bathsheba with Gregory Peck and The 10 Commandments with Charleston Heston seem to be passe. 
Today’s Hollywood/ Hollyweird seems to have caught religious fever, however, will the movie makers adhere to God’s Word or with it just be “Clouds without Water”? The mini-series “The Bible” was highly acclaimed last year and a shorten version of it, “The Son of God,” was released to theaters last month. There were deviations from the Text but on the whole, and in my opinion, it was a reasonable presentation of God’s Word.
And then there is the new movie “Noah.”
“Box Office: 'Noah' Winning Over Faith-Based and Mainstream Moviegoers”
“The wait is over! Noah Movie opens today! Let’s flood the theaters and show Hollywood we want more movies that tell biblical stories”!
Really, BACs should attend the movie? I haven't seen the movie, however, I've read reviews and it seems that Noah is recast as an ecologist on steroids who considered killing his own grandchildren less they pollute the regenerated Earth. Shades of Agenda 21? Also, the fallen Angels assisted Noah both in building the Ark and in fighting off his enemies. After that, they were given their wings back and ascended to heaven somewhat akin to Dorothy clicking her red shoes and returning to her home in Kansas.
Proverbs 25:14, “Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.” While there was plenty of water from above and the fountains of the deep, the movie Noah rather echoes the Proverb.
Far more worthwhile than Hollywood’s version of Noah is "Noah and the Last Days" produced by Living Waters and Ray Comfort.
 “Ten signs of the end of the age. Indisputable evidence that we are living in the last days.”
Ray comfort interviews people on the street, asking them what they thought will be their final destination. He is very talented at pointing out how we are lost without the saving grace of Jesus.
We are living in the age of the apostate church of Laodicea, the seeker friendly church. Joel Osteen and his mega-church comes to mind. In my opinion, the closest he comes to the Word is when he waves the Bible around as he presents his prosperity gospel. Full disclosure, I've only watched Mr. Osteen a few times, so perhaps I’m being a little hard on him, however…. No rain here.
The seeker friendly church leaders should consider the following verse: 2 Peter 2:21, “For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.” How much worse is it for those who turn thousands away from Biblical truth?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Holy Grail Want-a-be

"Historians’ Explosive Claim: They’ve Found the Holy Grail"

The Holy Grail Want-a-be

"Spanish historians claim they’ve discovered the 2,000-year-old Holy Chalice, the biblical cup that Jesus Christ used during the Last Supper." 

Rather than being the Holy Grail this looks more like a chalice that would be found in the Roman Catholic Church. Rather than expensive regalia, Jesus walked his ministry in sandals and homespun for 3 1/2 years. The cup used during the Last Supper would likely be a common piece of pottery.

Jesus displayed such great humility that he even washed the disciples feet that fateful night; a task usually reserved for a household slave.

This brought to mind a post from last year.

"The Pope's Red Shoes"