This is from something I posted elsewhere a few years ago.
I did a search for the keyword covet in the Holy Bible and found 39 related verses. God hates covetousness and included it in the Ten Commandments.
Exodus 20:17
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.Exodus 20:16-18
Perhaps I posted the above after a rather strong response to the following in another chat room.
The good xxxx members on the Chat Room The Soapbox are at it again. Well, I guess I started it by asking, Who is John Galt? I just posted:
True, the productive industrialists in Atlas Shrugged were interested in making a profit. However, to make a profit they had to employ people and produce a product or in Dagny's case provide rail transportation. Profitable companies not only create jobs, they provide a return on investment to their share holders who invested their venture capitol in the company.
In Atlas Shrugged the govt and far less able industrialists created regulations to artificially limit productivity by the able and to re-distribute money from a successful company to a failing company.
Atlas Shrugged takes it's title from Atlas who holds the earth of his back. The productive industrialists got tried of being exploited by a corrupt govt and failing businessmen and shrugged their collective shoulders and disappeared. Their businesses were zeroed out, no debts and few resources left to be looted by those who coveted their profitable businesses.
Tonight I heard a small business owner saying she may have to close her business and let her employees go. She is likely just the tip of the business closing iceberg.
Back to coveting, it is destroying our country.
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