Monday, July 21, 2014

As Thousands of Years ago, as Today False Prophets Speaking a False Assurances of Safety

Originally posted 7-15-13 and relevant today:

The Ammonites also had false diviners (prophets) who flattered its rulers with assurances of safety during its rebellion against Babylon. What of our false prophets who speak assurances of safety in the face of facts to the contrary?

In the early chapters of the book of Ezekiel we read of the many false prophets who were telling the leaders and people of Jerusalem that God would protect them from the Babylonians; that they were/are God's chosen people. This led to the third siege and destruction of Jerusalem.

Fast-forward nearly 2000 years and what false prophets do we have today? Many pastors, even evangelical, may not call themselves prophets, nevertheless, they are preaching a false Gospel. Rick Warren and his Purpose Filled Life/ agenda comes to mind. Pastor Warren received national notoriety when his book “The Purpose Driver Life” was used to great advantage by woman being held hostage. Today Warren has a mega church and is attempting to forge an understanding between Christianity and the Islamic calling it Chrislam. This is total heresy as most assuredly Allah, the moon god of Islam is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And the prosperity promoters, no sin but send money and it will be…

There is the group called “Christ at the Checkpoint.” The first point of their manifesto is, “1.The Kingdom of God has come. Evangelicals must reclaim the prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel.”

Pat Robinson has come under criticism for such comments as the earthquake in Haiti and the continual problems in that country goes back to their "Pact with the Devil" dating from the days of slavery. While Pat may not be a prophet in the ordinary sense, Haiti doesn’t seem to be able to pull itself out of extreme poverty and disease.

Two false prophets’ long dead are Mohammad and Joseph Smith. Both claimed that the Bible had been corrupted over the eons. Sadly millions of Mormons are being lead through the wide gate to destruction due to Smith false teachings. Add to that a billion or so of the Islamic faith many of whom believe they are rewarded for killing non-Muslims.

Our current President of the United States (POTUS) Obama promised change and he has radically changed not only the United States; he has influence a good part of the world. His re-election may not have been due to supernatural assistance; however, I doubt that Satan was unhappy. Obama’s “prophecy” of change seems to have manifested itself in hopelessness rather than hope. Then we have the administrations money gurus who keep trying to convince us that the economy is on the mend and also there are the false prophets of the green agenda and more.

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