Monday, October 27, 2014

Satan,fallen man, the church and the Holocaust

So just who was responsible for the Holocaust? Was at the culmination of the thousands of years of plotting and scheming by Satan that started in the garden? Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Was it “The Everlasting Hatred” of the Edomite’s and Ishmaelite’s? As an aside, the Edomite’s were the descendants of Esau and often battled the Jewish nation and/ or often allied themselves with whoever was fighting Israel, The Book of Obadiah is a one chapter book that really shows the anger of God. Jeremiah 49 predicted utter destruction of Edom as did the Book of Obadiah. Amos 1 also told of their destruction. Eventually the Edomite’s became absorbed in desert tribes, “a people whose name and language had perished. Obadiah’s prophecy had been fulfilled.” Origen (3rd century A.D.) Surprisingly enough, during the Great Tribulation the remnant of Israel will seek refuge in Edom/ Petra and will be supernaturally protected there.
Was it the Roman Catholic Church and who was/is responsible at least in part for the heresy of Replacement Theology? Was it the Reformers who never completed the Reformation and also allowed Replacement Theology to creep into the Protestant churches?
What of the concordats between the Roman Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler and Mussolini? By these agreements the church was not to interfere with the state and vice a versa. Pius XII earned the less than desirable title of “Hitler’s Pope.” The Roman Catholic Church has attempted to redact history, however, there are many, many pictures available demonstrating a very cozy relationship.
Was it the Christian church that failed to speak up? What of the ordinary people who claimed to have no knowledge of the ongoing Holocaust?
What of the United States and other countries that turned away Jewish refugees attempting to unload from ships?
Was it due to the adherence by most to the theory of evolution whereby man is only an animal? The theory of evolution has reduced God's creation, man, to the status of an animal. There is little value placed on the unborn and millions are slaughtered in the womb every year.
Currently, anti-Semitism is spreading throughout the planet like an out of control plague. So what made the Holocaust possible; fallen man.

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