The trailer/spoof is extremely blasphemous and Sean Hannity
couldn't quit saying they wouldn't dare do this to Mohammed. Also, it is
extremely violent and has very rough language.
The trailer ends with the DJesus character saying "No
more Mr. nice Jesus." Shades of Isaiah 61:2 after the comma?
I'm sure the intent of the producers of the above trailer
was to ridicule Jesus and in turn his believers. However, I wonder if the
producers realized that there was a germ of truth in their spoof. As in the
trailer, Jesus will return to exact vengeance with a two edge sword. However,
the two-edged sword will be the word of God and not a physical sword.
The irony of the fact that this trailer was shown Saturday
night on the eve of our reviewing Chapter 19, "Return of the King"
was not lost on me. It is my very strong opinion that there is an undercurrent
of feeling in the United States/ throughout the planet that something is very
wrong in the world; that events are spinning out of control. There's been
considerable talk about the extreme weather, earthquakes, wars, diseases and
There are a lot of people rushing to and fro likely to
compensate for their anxiety over feeling that they have little control over
their lives much less world events.
Nevertheless, as a believer I recognize that we are in the
end days. Soon we will be caught up to the wedding supper and watch the seven
year tribulation from the mezzanine. I have little apprehension for the future
other than the desire to bring more people into the kingdom while there is
still time.
Added Later:
Perhaps I'm the only one who thinks "DJesus
Uncrossed" might have been the product of an unconscious understanding on
the part of skit's producer(s) of Jesus coming as the lion of Judah.
As an aside, I read the link you posted. It included that
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) declaring the
"violent depiction of Jesus" in Djesus Uncrossed deplorable."
The irony of CAIR adding their condemnation is interesting as the Islamic
version of Jesus is of a very violent man. In his book "Mideast Beast: The
Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist" Joel Richardson writes,
"Even more shocking to many readers was the revelation that Islam teaches
that when Jesus returns, He will come back as a Muslim prophet whose primary
mission will be to abolish Christianity." There is no moral equivalency
between the Jesus of the Bible and the Islamic version of Jesus in the Quran
who will convert by the sword, so CAIR is hypocritical as usual.
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